March Favourites 2016

Morning Beautifuls,

March has flown by which gives me the opportunity to share with you my March favourites! Yay!


The first product I have been loving is the QV Purifying Clay Face Mask. This face mask is a gentle, nourishing mask that can be applied every single day (if wanted) or whenever you like. I use this now instead of any moisturising products and my skin has never been cleaner and fresher. Very highly recommended!


Beauty-wise, I have been loving my Mac Matte lipstick and these Profusion  nail polish remover pads. The lipstick is the most gorgeous shade ‘Persistence’ – incredible for an everyday and night lip colour for slightly tanned skin.

The nail polish removers are potentially the best ‘cheats way’ at removing nail polish -quick, easy and none of that chemically smell. It literally takes seconds to remove and you don’t have to scrub your nails – hold it on an swipe and it practically all comes off!


Now, onto random things. These Taylor Swift sunnies are my new favourite sunnies! I adore their pale pink colour and their shape is perfect, wide and comfortable fitting.


Shoes! I love these shoes (well, of course I do or they wouldn’t have made them into my favourites blog!). These are some of the most comfortable shoes I own – both with and without socks. Yes, I’m weird sometimes and like wearing joggers without socks. I love their colour and style as well – something a big neat and light in colour.


My favourite book this month is, yes, a comic book. Of Snoopy! This is easily the most feel-good book in the world. If you have never read a Snoopy/Charlie Brown/Peanuts comic, you are missing out.


I love making lists, it makes me feel organised an helps me get through everything I need to do that little bit easier and faster. This erasable To-Do list has been my lifesaver this month – it gives me the ability to write a list, complete the list and then write another list and reduces the amount of mini pieces of paper scattered around me room.


My final favourite of the month and, what possibly is my ultimate favourite. My bright blue ukulele.

I love this instrument.

Granted, I only did buy (and learn!) it this month, but this has to be one of the best instruments out there – easy to play (well, easier than a guitar at least) and the most tinkly instrument ever. Plus is super convenient to carry around. I even managed to take it camping!


Just a shout out to the new TV series called ‘You’re in the Room’ on ABC. I tried watching the first episode while writing this blog post and had to close my laptop because I was in stitches of laughter. Its a comedic ‘hypnotic’ show – and it is amazing! Definitely check it out if you can!

Keep smiling,

Kay Anne.